Monday, November 12, 2012

Team Lubelley

My first two friends at this University were also, by chance, named Katherine. To avoid confusion I quickly became referred to by my last name: Kelley.
My friends Katherine introduced me to Lubna midway through freshman year. Lubna and I had briefly met before at an International Relations Club meeting, a club I had dropped out of due to the time commitment required by my sorority (I told you I was a white girl, didn’t I?).
But, as we became fast friends, Lubna convinced me to return to the club as a sophomore. A year later, she and I became President and Vice-President, respectively, of that club. Essentially, we formed Team Lubelley.

This is us. I bet you can't guess who is who.

Lubna and I are like Forrest and Jenny: Two peas in pod. We have the same laugh, the same over-commitment to this club and to our school work, and the same bad luck with boys. Today I made her a promise to stop dating boys in said club. Not because it was bad for me, but because it was bad for the club. As you can see, our priorities are RIGHT where they should be.
I have a favorite memory with Lubna that I’d like to share if you are, in fact, still reading this. This happened during an International Relations Club meeting. Lubna was presenting to the club about Saudi Arabian politics and traditions. Naturally the subject of camels came up. And as I used to do pageants (seriously could I get ANY whiter?), Lubna thought it would be great to say, “This is something that reminded me of Kelley… PAGEANT CAMELS!”

This is real life.

We all learned two things that day in IRC. 1-There is such a thing as a camel pageant. 2-It’s easy to tell the difference between a racing camel and a pageant camel: If the camel looks like Kelley, it’s destined for pageants.
Essentially, Lubna and I are just two college girls who sometimes like to make weird faces and take luau-themed road trips to Alabama Away Football Games.

Wait, you mean people DON'T actually do this all the time?

Is any of this knowledge relevant to anything? Probably not. But at least if I have a really excited picture from a camel pageant… you’ll know why.

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