Saturday, January 5, 2013

Days 4-8: Dubai!

DUUBBBBAAAAAIIIIIIIII!!!!!!! Dubai. dUbAiIiIiIi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOO.

My first experience with this city happened when we got on the plane. Emirates Airline is SO NICE! Holy cow. Even on our flight that was less than hour they had a meal and TVs and hot towels.

Upon landing, I was immediately impressed by the airport. You can see why.

Then there was the Burj Khalifa. The tallest building in the world. I took A LOT of pictures of it. But more on that later.

The first night there we walked around Dubai Mall, the biggest mall in the world. It went on FOREVER! I still can't find my way around it. It even had an aquarium in it!

An interesting note about the mall: Even in a very Westernized city like Dubai, you can still tell you're in the Middle East. The Victoria's secret store front did not show pictures of girls in their underwear, but rather just their faces, so those passing by wouldn't be offended. What's funny is that the pictures had obviously just been cropped and blown up, so the quality was kind of terrible.

Then we saw Life of Pi because Les Mis wasn't out there yet. :(

The next day we went shooting at this place outside the city. That was neat.

Then there was New Years!! Before the show we bought shawarma (Lebanese chicken wraps) on the street. And then we brought 2013 in by watching the fireworks of the Burj Khalifa. It was incredible. The show lasted for five minutes. And we somehow got lucky enough to be right at the front of the crowd.

Afterward we went to the Armani Prive nightclub, which is actually inside the Burj. Literally the most legit club I have ever been to.

The next day we went to Ski Dubai. It's an indoor ski park at one of the malls. I had never been skiing before so we laughed that my first ski experience was in the desert. The picture is of a picture, but you get the idea.

On January 2nd we went to the Global Village, an international market/amusement park that kind of reminded me of Epcot. It was neat. But everything there, even the European things, had a Middle Eastern feel to it. It reminded me of the way Americans try to Americanize exotic goods and food. I'm google imaging a picture because my camera is being difficult.

Finally, on January 3rd, we went up in the Burj. I. Was. So. Excited. (Which is good because that ish was expensive.) We learned some fun facts along the way. Like if you laid all the steel rods in the building end to end, they'd wrap 1/4 of the way around the world. At the peak of construction, around 12,000 workers were on site each day. And the condensation on the building is actually collected to water the plants around the ground around it.

There was still a lot more above the observation deck, which was on the 140th floor.

So that was it: Dubai!! An incredible beyond incredible experience. Las Vegas without the casinos. New York without the dirt. The Middle East and the West blended into one. I'm obsessed and can't wait to go back!

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